History of Winners

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Year - Team

2019 - Jason Chetham & Fred Linquist

2020 - Brian Smith & Jim Wilhelm (490 points)

2021  - John Ungashick & Jeff Ungashick (515 points)

2022 - Jason Hentzell & Dave Hentzell (518 points)

2023 - Greg Kreiter & Mike Verbus (425 points)                               2024 - Matt Mosser & Pete Depietro (447 points)

Year - Individual

2019 -

2020 - Jim Wilhelm (251 points)

2021 - Tom Phister (270 points)

2022 - Dave Hentzell (282 points)

2023 - Mike Verbus (228 points)                                                               2024 - Pete Depietro (224 points)

Fed Ex winner

2019 -
2020 - Pete Depietro (score of 44)

2021 - John Ungashick & Jason Hentzell (tied score of 42)

2022  Kenny Young  (score of 22)                                                               2023 - John Ungashick & Andy Lillo (Matt Mosser) (tied score of 30). 2024 - Jason Hentzell (score of 29)

KING of the Course

2021 - John Ungashick - 490 points

2022 - Brandon Clifford - 502 points

2023 - Dave Hentzell- 426 points                                                                2024 - Played 3-4-5 game

3-4-5 Game

Outing Winners

2019 - 
2020 - Chris Lawrence, Brian Schilling, Jim Wilhelm, Brian Smith - 62 (10 under)
2021 - Jason Chetham, Justin Greene, Bernie Hodgeson, John Ungashich - 61 (11 under)                      
2022 - Dale Riggenbach, Justin Greene, Brian Schilling, Kenny Young - 60 (12 under)                            2023 - Greg Kreiter, Matt Mosser, Jeff Ungashick, Brian Smith - 67 (4 under)                       2024 - 

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